
Friday, 30 September 2011

Jeff Halper and Why We Need the Canadian Boat to Gaza

Jeff Halper and Why We Need the Canadian Boat to Gaza

by Crystal Ayah Robert on Tuesday, 08 February 2011 at 14:22
Pour des liens en français, voir plus bas. Other links in English, see below. 
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JEFF HALPER and Why We Need the Canadian Boat to Gaza

Tickets now available online at:
PayPal (
Saturday, February 12, 2011, 7:00 PM @ Bloor Street United Church, 300 Bloor Street W. (2 Blocks East of Spadina)
Halper is an Israeli author and speaker about non-violent strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He is a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD). Jeff was on board the first boat to Gaza which successfully sailed through the naval blockade, docking on the shores of Gaza in 2008.

Please join us for this Canadian Boat to Gaza/ICAHD fundraiser where Jeff Halper will speak on the importance of the flotillas that travel to Gaza by sea to break Israel's illegal stranglehold on1.5 million Palestinian civilians. 
Advance Tickets: $10 available at: Beit Zatoun, 612 Markham St. & Toronto Women’s Bookstore, 73 Harbord St., and online at PayPal.
More Info: or 416-588-6356. 

This event has been endorsed by the following organizations: Bloor Street United Church Social Justice Committee; CAF (Canadian Arab Federation); CAIA (Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid); CodePink Toronto; Educators for Peace and Justic; Faculty for Palestine; IJV (Independent Jewish Voices); IJAN (International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network); NION, (Not In Our Name . . Jewish voices opposing Zionism); QuAIA  Queers Against Israeli Apartheid; Peace & Social Action Committee of Toronto Quakers; TCSW (Toronto Coalition to Stop the War); UJPO (United Jewish People's Order); VOW (Canadian Voice of Women for Peace); WSP (Women in Solidarity With Palestine); Zatoun

Jeff Halper will also speak (on Why We Need the Canadian Boat to Gaza) in London, Friday February 11, 7 pm at King's College.Room: SA - 150 in the South Annex building (beside Cardinal Carter Library), 266 Epworth Ave. Admission $5 (free parking off Epworth Ave., mention that you are going to a Centre for Social Concern event). Sponsored by the King's College Centre for Social Concern, People for Peace London and the Canadian Boat to Gaza.
Not near either of these events? For all of our Canada Boat to Gaza events, see Events

  To make a donation and receive a free CBG teeshirt, see : Donate
  To endorse the CBG project as an individual or in the name of your group, see: Endorse
 To access the CBG website for news, press releases, FAQs, see: CBG Website

Liens en français: Tous les événements du Bateau canadien à Gaza, voir Événements
Pour faire un don et recevoir un t-shirt gratuit, voir: Faites un don.
Pour soutenir le BCG à titre individuel ou en tant qu'organisation, voir: Agissez.
Pour accéder au site BCG pour les nouvelles, communiqués de presse, FAQ : Site BCG.

Together we can end the siege! Ensemble, nous pourrons briser le siège!

Canadian Boat to Gaza
Bateau canadien pour Gaza

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