
Tuesday, 22 February 2011

What the "Blood Libel" Really Means!

by Shelly Adams on Friday, 14 January 2011 at 18:55
A lot of people have been asking about this "Blood Libel" that the jewish controlled news media keeps whining about.

The next video's reveal the horrific evidence and the facts of the Jewish Blood ritual where you can learn everything you want to know about it to help explain it to your friends later today.

The "Blood Libel" is when Christians discovered that many jews in different European countries were ritually murdering Christian children as blood sacrifices to Lucifer which does still go on today, this is why there are so many missing non-jewish children in America.

Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited - Historical fact!

Jewish Blood Libel

Remember this Oprah Interview that the ADL banned from airing on TV...
Oprah Winfrey exposes Satanic Jewish practices

Please click Share and share these horrific facts to all of your friends and family, especially if they are a Zionist Christian who has been deceived.

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