
Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Helping for the sake of allah

by Abdullah Ibn Davis on Sunday, 06 February 2011 at 08:23
Giving for the sake of Allah is not always easy for some of us We always seem to have just enough money never any extra or we always seem to be asked right after were down to our last at least I know thats how it used to be for me now I try to live each day to the fullest and to give as much as I can brothers and sisters there is no better feeling than to know that a families needs or brother or sisters needs were met through the grace of allah and that you helped for the sake of allah.

Things in the world are tough is the answer I get often when i tell people about our charity or brother everyone is struggling but that is just not so in this day and age there are those who have nothing those who have some and those who have a lot and we strive at Muslims helping muslims to make the load even those with a little can help a little those with a lot can help more and those with nothing can be helped. I have been off line for a little while  not really posting constantly My family and I have been sick and there have been so many actual hands on needs to be met that I had no time to be online. To fill you in this week we have spent a lot of time taking friends family and those who were in need to the hospital and doctors buying medication for those in need there is a lot of sickness going around right now. I thank Allah for the expiation of some of our sins through sickness and pain.

I ask you brothers and sisters to donate please I have tried my hardest to help those in need on my own but can't help everyone in this way taking the time to take people places is fine but the gas is not free the medication they need after I spend eight hours at the hospital is not free. I do this because I want to but also because its what a muslim is supposed to do. The muslim has rights one is to visit them when they are sick. I know many of you can not visit sick brothers or sisters that are far away but you can help them to be more comfortable to help buy them medication or soup to help me to take them where they need to go.

I ask you to donate for the sake of allah here are our links to the sites

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