
Saturday, 1 January 2011

Top Words Used by Facebook User In Selected Countries

Top words in Malaysia:

Love, Nak, Time, Happy, Life, Kau, Miss, Dah, Say, Via, Sms, Never, Need, People, Celcom, Best, Help, Feel, Why, Hari, Again, <3, Think, Really, Wanna, Ada, Hate, Kat, Heart, Org, Friends, Lol, Please, Always, Very, Gonna, Nie, Dont, Lagi, Sleep, Tomorrow, Cant, Facebook, Hahaha, School, Damn, Kita, Last, World, Nice, Someone, Ever, Exam, Take, Stop, Says, Buat, Better, Lah, Tired, Wish, Song, Give, Yeah, Guys, Bad.

Top words in Indonesia:

Ada, Kau, Bisa, Lagi, Hari, Cinta, Love, Kita, Orang, Gak, Tapi, Hati, Aja, Buat, Time, Juga, Dah, Sama, Kamu, Udah, Bgt, Hidup, Tau, Pagi, Dalam, Org, Jangan, Masih, Kalo, Pernah, Tidur, Ingin, Lah, God, Malam, Tuhan, Selalu, Makan, Life, Hahaha, Allah, Banyak, Pengen, Saat, Mati, Besok, Nih, Never, Happy, Tuk, Bukan, Dgn, Always, Dulu, Sakit, Lol, Smua, Karena, Lama, Waktu, Deh, Gag, Banget, Bikin, Maen, Status.

Top words in Afghanistan:

Love, Cant, Game, Night, Dont, Gonna, Why, Really, Think, Anyone, Time, Bored, Say, People, Best, Everyone, Goin, Wait, School, Bed, Need, Tomorrow, Yeah, House, Hate, Lol, Facebook, World, Someone, Watching, Life, These, God, Again, Away, Nothing, Days, Any, Take, Feel, Should, Nba, Gay, Done, Find, Watch, Win, After, Doing, Last, Sick, Ever, Year, Funny, Does, Better, Stop, Msn, Home, Week, Cause, Nice, Never, Put, Tonight, Hair.

Top words in Brunei:

Love, <3 , Mohamed, Ani, Time, Izzul, Afiq, Life, Need, Miss, Really, Why, Iskandar, People, Again, Happy, Ada, Say, Kau, Never, Always, Heart, Feel, Lol, Please, Inda, Hate, Sdh, Best, Dont, Nda, Baby, Friends, Urg, Dexter, Think, Juwa, Wish, Home, Stop, Jua, Song, Someone, Ever, Last, Hahaha, Gonna, Guys, World, Mcm, Wait, Thanks, Hope, Tell, Eyes, Being, Bad, Wants, Very, Night, Away, Done, Morning, Sleep, Keep, Without.

Top words in India:

Love, Life, Hai, Happy, Time, People, Never, Best, <3 , Friends, Say, Heart, Why, World, Need, Always, Think, Really, Dont, Someone, Very, Again, God, Things, Feel, After, Wid, True, Miss, Every, Days, Last, Ever, Take, Gonna, Give, Guys, Any, Person, Let, Help, Facebook, Friend, Better, Bad, Hate, Please, Being, Live, Smile, Those, Fun, Finally, Without, Everything, Dis, Bored, Cant, Says, Thing, Bhi, Luv, Find, Nothing, Wish, Away.

Top words in United Kingdom:

Love, Lol, Night, Time, Really, People, Think, Bed, Why, Need, Cant, Dont, Tomorrow, Happy, Bored, Tonight, Life, Xxx, Work, Wait, Gonna, Last, Again, School, Never, Home, Facebook, Best, Watching, Thinks, Anyone, Ever, Say, Should, Feel, Sleep, Very, Getting, Any, Hate, Better, Please, Nice, Wants, Someone, <3, Everyone, Days, Done, Loves, Being, After, Take, Actually, Baby, Weekend, Funny, Wanna, Great, Watch, Omg, Put, Amazing, Hair, Bit, Looking.

Top words in Iraq:

Love, Time, Dont, <3, Never, Life, Night, Happy, Lista, Need, Work, Really, Yeah, Say, Take, Again, People, Think, Why, Gonna, Ever, Sleep, Splendido, Last, Days, Lol, World,, Tomorrow, Baby, Another, ♥, Feel, Wanna, Something, Should, Let, Cant, Facebook, Keep, Home, School, Hey , Watching, Best, These, Better, Thing, Great, Someone, Hell, Live, Wait, Find, Gym, Hate, Miss, Funny, €, Anything, Long.

Data might not be 100% accurate due to some restrictions and .

buat lah penilaian sendiri. :)

dec 2010

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