
Sunday 23 January 2011

A trip to HAWAII for $2!?!

As'salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu! Alhamdulillah, we have +280 attendees! Alhamdulillah!

Let me ask you: What's stopping you from donating? What will our excuse be on the Day of Judgement?

It's Ramadan - so we can't blame it on Shaitan. So if we reflect on ourselves, our true selves, why can't we spare just $2 and 2 minutes of our time?

--- Ponder on this: What if a trip to Hawaii was only $2? Most of us would walk 5 miles to get such a deal! And yet Allah Subhanhu wa Ta'ala provides us with the BEST of deals...sadaqah is an easy way for us to get good deeds and expiate bad ones Insha'Allah Ta'ala! Yet, who among us is willing to take heed?

Who among us is willing to rush to give sadaqah to win their spot in Jannah, the supreme victory?

What is better - Jannah or a short trip to Hawaii?

Jannah has what no eyes have seen, Subhan Allah!

--- Sadaqah serves as an expiation for our sins and we can never do enough sadaqah, brothers and sisters. Are we going to miss out on Jannah because we were too stingy to give $2...or too lazy to go get our credit/debit card?

It only takes a minute to donate online Insha'Allah Ta'ala. You can donate securely online here:

http:// e754d43949fd20bc

We can afford to give up $2 in this dunya, but we cannot afford to miss out on Jannah.

From: Sima Amal
To: Members of $2 to Feed the Streets
When: 23 August at 07:34

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